The Raphoe Heritage Project held two exciting events for Heritage Week 2012. On Wednesday 22nd of August visitors were taken on detailed historical tour of Raphoe town centre followed by an extensive tour of St. Eunan's Cathedral and Graveyard, led by Conor Porter and Geoffrey Devenney. Following this we made our way to Beltany Stone Circle where we were taken through the mists of time by Mary Nolan, who gave a fantastic explanation of the archaeological history behind the circle. The weather could not have been better which was an added bonus.
On Thursday 23rd we carried out our natural heritage tour. Unfortunately the weather changed for the worse but that didn't stop the hardy nature buffs turning out for a tour of the Bob and Ann Kavangh's Ros Ban Gardenand the Carnone woodlands with Ralph and Liz Sheppard. Both areas looked fantastic despite the weather.
Both events had fantastic turnouts and the Raphoe Heritage Project would like to thank all the tour guides for their hard work as well as John Mc Glinchey for driving the bus. Keep your eyes peeled on our website for more news and events in the coming year.